Video of the conference “After social networks”

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Part 1/4

Opening remarks by Allan Deneuville and Gala Hernández


I. Perspectives. Chair: Chloé Galibert-Laîné


Ervina Kotolloshi, ‘The modularity of digital ready-mades in the theatre: between dilution of sources and erosion of content’


Alice Lenay, ‘Thinking about “domestic videos”. On some contemporary documentary works (“In the midst of new media”, Number 30 of the ‘Revue Documentaires’)’


Edmond Ernest AKA Alban, ‘Collaboration or Confrontation? CGU management in the Otaku media mix (1990-2010)’


Part 2/4

II. Publications – Chair: Allan Deneuville


Bérénice Serra, ‘PUBLIC: a release of abandoned anonymous portraits’



Rémi Forte, ‘Poetic program, typographic system’










Part 3/4

III. Curation. Chair: Allan Deneuville


Natacha Seweryn, ‘Making films with videos that one has not shot: challenges of the distribution of atypical audiovisual works in France since 2012’


David Desrimais, ‘Practice and poetics of publishing in the digital age’


Part 4/4

Conference by Frank Leibovici


IV. Identity(ies). Chair: Gala Hernández.


Françoise Chambefort, ‘My little identity, an example of generative transformation of UGC: illegal but ethical ?’


Seumboy Vrainom: €, ‘Roaming for a rare earth’ (performed conference)